15 October 2008

Dad's Work

Just wanted to share with you my Dad's truck that he drives for a local company, he drives a Volvo ( lots of people call them Biscuits,LOL LOL). Usually it has another little trailer attached to it, (they call that a dog) so the combination together becomes a Truck & Dog...

He drives for a company called "OZ MULCH", they supply landscape supplies to all different types of businesses. He has been working there now for 3 months... He use to be an interstate Truckie once for many years, but gave away doing that as it was very tiring...

Check out this Truck its Cool.... Don't forget if you see him on the road don't forget to say "Hello to him, or call him up and say Hello, his name is Brett... Also remember to give truckies time to pull up there big rigs, as it takes a lot longer for a fully loaded truck to pull up then what a lot of people think.

One day I hope my Dad might take me for a ride in his truck, I think it would be good watching all the other dogs.... My Dad brings his truck home quite often and gives it a wash and clean out inside his cab...and puts that smelly stuff inside....Oh well better be off now, getting ready for my breakfast...

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