10 March 2009


Whilst my nephews were visiting us on Saturday afternoon I thought it was a good time to get an updated picture of them with both hubby and I. I love this photo, what do you reckon, i had one taken of me and hubby together but i made a promise to him that i wouldn't put it up on my blog, or on my facebook, LOL, Boy oh Boy have they grown up quick, it only seems like yesterday that they were babies.
P.S: Please excuse hubby not having a shirt on as it was a hot day


Michelle Jamieson said...

Great photo!!

Thanks for popping by my blog!
I'm so glad you left a comment.

As you may have noticed, I'm a HUGE Adam Brand fan too!! LOL :)

Chelle Xx

Tracey said...

How sweet are Kosmo & Beaver say hi for me and give them a hug