29 October 2008

Jodi's New Fur Baby

Hey there,

Mums friend Jodi, brought her daughter a new fur baby, Yes its a horse and he is a good looking and furry one.
Hey Jodi, maybe Beaver and I could come up and play with Solo in his paddock.. It would be so much fun....
Here is a picture of Solo...
If you would like to read more stories about Solo you can visit Jodi's blog at http://jodis-sraphaven.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Jodi Dolbel said...

You can come and play, but you might get lost in the 1 metre high weeds!!!! Alhtough our oussy cat loves playing hide and seak and hunting unserspecting feet!!!
Solo is settling in very well...
You & Beaver can come and play any time Kosmo!!