02 August 2008

June 2008

Well its been almost 3mths since my last tale, lots has happened since then, my mum has had the flu so has my dad.

Dad has changed his job, and is not driving long distance anymore, he is doing local work for a company called "Oz Mulching Pty Ltd" at Toronto.

Mum has brought me lots of ropes and plastic toys this last couple of months, only just 2 weeks ago, Mum and Dad had Foxtel put on, and I had a bath, geez it was good.

On the Sunday Mum and Dad went to Kempsey (that's a long way just to go for a drive, what were they doing), well when they got home, I found out what they had been up too! In a cage Mum took out of the car, was a very tiny little Kitten, his name is "Beaver", he is a 12 week old kitten, and guess what he absolutely loves dogs.

We have been having some strange weather this last couple of months. Its been raining, not just drizzle but I mean heavy, heavy rain, I thought it was going to flood, like in June 2007. (I remember that very well, cause I scratched at the wallpaper in the back room near the garage). But the weather seems to have settled down for now, and its getting colder, I have been snuggling up in my kennel, right at the back.

I have been giving "Beaver", lots of big wet sloppy licks, he teases me, but I know he loves me.

Anyway till next time, I love you all including "Beaver" the kitty.

Lots of Love

KOSMO xoxoxo

P.S: i hope you all like the pic of Beaver the Kitty he is my friend.

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